Thursday, September 29, 2011

You live where?!?

I live in Ashtabula, Ohio.  Just a few miles from Lake Erie…if that helps.  You’ve never heard of Ashtabula?  Oh.  Okay, then let me try to explain it to you.  You know what Ohio looks like, right?


Okay, I even found you a map with all the counties.  I am so having flashbacks to elementary school right now.  Ones where we had to learn how in the world to even say our county’s name.  (Ash-tah-bue-lah)  We also had to know that Ashtabula is the largest county in Ohio.  Turns out it’s the poorest county too.  Yay, go us!

Now if you look in the upper right hand corner of the map, you’ll see the county where I live.  Yes, Cleveland is to the west of us & Erie is to the right.  We’re about 30 to 40 minutes from both…depending on the weather and construction.

I live right in the city of Ashtabula.  Fancy place that it is.  Known for the Lift-Bridge in the Harbor

and not a whole heck of a lot else.  We’re close to Lake Erie…Oh, I said that already.

Most times when we travel we just tell people we live near Cleveland.  Only those from our county actually know we exist outside of Cleveland.

We have Lake Shore Park & Walnut Beach for local parks/places to swim.  Not that anyone really wants to swim in the lake…If you don’t have access to the pool though, it is nice to have the option.

I think I have a love/hate relationship with this town.  Wish I could call it a city, but that seems to lofty a name for it.  Town seems more fitting.  I’m trying to find good things about this town.  Everyday that I am out and about I hope to find something new that isn’t depressing.  That makes me love the town instead of hate it.

So, now you know where I live.  Dear old Ashtabula.  A town that is not dealing well with the economic downturn the country has taken.  I’m sure I’ll write more about this as time goes on.  Who knows, maybe my attitude on it being a town will change also.

Stranger things have happened.

New addiction

Right now Cyn, my darling daughter of 12 years old is doing my hair while we watch this amazing new show Terra nova.  Not a show that my darling husband is interested in, but Cyn and I totally are.  How can we not be with gorgeous scenes like this?

Plus, the actor from Avatar is in it.  You know who I’m talking about right?  Stephen Lang is just that guy that you want on your side & if he isn’t…then oh heck in a hand basket.

ste Yes, I’m hoping he stays a good guy in this show because it seems like with all the dinosaurs….



They’re gonna need a bit of help…Lol, I just realized I put up a pic of the gentle dinosaurs that the little girl Zoey fed.  Eh, I’m leaving it because I love it anyway.  Plus, did any one else freak when they saw the soldier heading toward the back pack with a knife? 

Okay, I’m getting back to the episode Cyn and I are watching.  I love when she finishes her schooling early for the day!

Hi! My name is Lula & I'm a crochet-aholic. I love to read. I'm married and I have one child from a previous marriage. I have two adorable dogs that I at times call my puppilies. We also have one guinea pig. He's just a cutie pie! I'm not sure where or what I am doing with this blog, but I figured one small post wouldn't hurt.